Svrf API Docs

The Svrf SDK for iOS

Svrf iOS SDK

The SDK starts by giving you access to the Svrf API, home to the largest search engine for augmented reality and virtual reality content. If you're looking to add face filters to your app, it also allows your users to stream ARKit compatible 3D face filters.

ARKit Face Tracking Requirements

ARKit's face tracking requires an iOS device with front-facing TrueDepth camera. Supported devices include:

  • iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, or iPhone XR.
  • iPad Pro (11-inch) or iPad Pro (12.9-inch, 3rd generation).

To integrate face tracking for face filters on other iOS devices, a third-party face tracking library is required.


ARKitFaceFilterDemo - An example of the SvrfSDK in Swift.


Install with CocoaPods

1. Install CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. Enter the following command to install CocoaPods:

# Xcode 9 + 10
sudo gem install cocoapods

The process may take a moment, please wait. For further installation instructions, please read the CocoaPods installation guide.

2. Add the SvrfSDK entry to your Podfile

If you don't have a Podfile, you can create one by running the command pod init in your project root. Open your project's Podfile and add the SvrfSDK dependency:

platform :ios, '12.0'
target 'YourTargetName' do
pod 'SvrfSDK'

3. Install the SvrfSDK in the project

To install the SvrfSDK into your Xcode project, run the following command:

pod install

Note: If you saw "Unable to satisfy the following requirements" issue during pod install, please run the following commands to update your pod repo and install the pod again:

pod repo update && pod install

Install Manually

If you prefer not to use dependency manager, you can integrate the SvrfSDK into your project manually.


Simple One-Step Authentication

So you've installed the SvrfSDK, now what? The first step to making your first Svrf API request is to authenticate your application's Svrf API Key. Authentication can be done in just one step with the SvrfSDK. Let's get started!

import UIKit
import SvrfSDK
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
SvrfSDK.authenticate(apiKey: /* Add your Svrf API Key here */)
return true

Optionally, you can include success and failure closures.

SvrfSDK.authenticate(onSuccess: {
print("Successfully authenticated with the Svrf API!")
}, onFailure: { err in
print("Could not authenticate with the Svrf API: \(err)")

Once you authenticate your Svrf API Key, the SvrfSDK will automatically add your authentication tokens to your request headers and will fetch a new token if it has expired.

Authenticate Using The plist

Alternatively, you can authenticate by adding your Svrf API Key to your plist using the following two steps:

1. Set your API Key

In your plist, create a new definition. In the Key field enter SVRF_API_KEY. Then, set the Type field to String. Finally, add your Svrf API Key in the Value field.

You can edit your plist using Xcode:

Add Svrf API Key

Or manually in your plist file:

<plist version="1.0">

2. Authenticating

To authenticate your API Key, use the SvrfSDK.authenticate() method. Add it to the application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) -> Bool function in the AppDelegate:

import UIKit
import SvrfSDK
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
return true

Making API Requests

There are three methods to fetch content from the Svrf API. There's search, that allows your users to enter a query and get back related results. Then there's trending, which provides your users with access to curated immersive content. If you know exactly which piece of content the user needs, you can also get media directly by its id.

Let's take a detailed look into how to do all of these.

Setting Request Options

You can set the request options for search and trending requests using the SvrfOptions struct.

let options = SvrfOptions(
type: nil,
stereoscopicType: nil,
category: nil,
size: nil,
minimumWidth: nil,
isFaceFilter: nil,
hasBlendShapes: nil,
requiresBlendShapes: nil,
pageNum: nil,


In the request options, you can set the type options to an Array of MediaTypes: ._3d, .photo, and .video, or you can set it to nil to get all types of media.


360 photos and 360 videos are no longer supported on Svrf.



Stereoscopic 360 photos and 360 videos are no longer supported on Svrf.


To retrieve face filters use the category option and set it to .faceFilters.


To adjust the quantity of Media returned, adjust the size option. Requests are limited to 100 Media per request.

minimumWidth number?


360 photos and 360 videos are no longer supported on Svrf.

isFaceFilter boolean?

Set to true to retrieve only face filter 3D Media.

hasBlendShapes boolean?

Request 3D Media that has or does not have blend shapes.

requiresBlendShapes boolean?

3D models, specifically face filters, that require blend shapes are best experienced when blend shape animations are active. We strongly suggest that any 3D models where requiresBlendShapes is true must incorporate blend shape animations in their application to ensure the user has a high-quality experience.

If you'd like to use face filters without blend shapes, we strongly urge you to set this option to false.

Using Face Filters Without Blend Shapes

If you'd like to use face filters without blend shapes, we strongly urge you to set `requiresBlendShapes` to `false`.


To fetch the next page of search results, use the nextPageNum returned from the previous page in the pageNum option value.

The search() method brings the power of immersive search found on to your app or project. Svrf's search engine enables your users to instantly find the immersive experience they're seeking. Content is sorted by the Svrf rating system, ensuring that the highest quality content and most prevalent search results are returned.

let options = SvrfOptions(
type: nil,
stereoscopicType: nil,
category: nil,
size: nil,
minimumWidth: nil,
isFaceFilter: nil,
hasBlendShapes: nil,
requiresBlendShapes: nil,
pageNum: nil
_ = "Food", options: options, onSuccess: { (mediaArray, nextPageNum) in
if !mediaArray.isEmpty {
// Do what you want with the [SvrfMedia]?
} else {
// The Svrf API responeded with no Media
}) { error in
// Optional error handling
print("\(error.svrfDescription). \(String(describing: error.localizedDescription))")

Search for 3D Face Filters

To search for 3D face filters, set the type to [._3d] and isFaceFilters to true.

In this example, we're querying for sunglass face filters.

let options = SvrfOptions(
type: [._3d],
stereoscopicType: nil,
category: nil,
size: nil,
minimumWidth: nil,
isFaceFilter: true,
hasBlendShapes: nil,
requiresBlendShapes: nil,
pageNum: nil
_ = "sunglasses", options: options, onSuccess: { (mediaArray, nextPageNum) in
// Do what you want with the [SvrfMedia]?

The getTrending() provides your app or project with the hottest immersive content. The experiences returned mirror Svrf, from timely cultural content to trending pop-culture references. The trending experiences are updated regularly by human curators to ensure users always get fresh updates of immersive content.

let options = SvrfOptions(
type: nil,
stereoscopicType: nil,
category: nil,
size: nil,
minimumWidth: nil,
isFaceFilter: nil,
hasBlendShapes: nil,
requiresBlendShapes: nil,
pageNum: nil
SvrfSDK.getTrending(options: options, onSuccess: { (mediaArray, nextPageNum) in
if !mediaArray.isEmpty {
// Do what you want with the [SvrfMedia]?
} else {
// The Svrf API responeded with no SvrfMedia
}) { error in
// Optional error handling
print("\(error.svrfDescription). \(String(describing: error.localizedDescription))")

If you want to get trending 3D face filters, change the type value to [._3d] and the isFaceFilter value to true.

let options = SvrfOptions(
type: [._3d],
stereoscopicType: nil,
category: nil,
size: nil,
minimumWidth: nil,
isFaceFilter: true,
hasBlendShapes: nil,
requiresBlendShapes: nil,
pageNum: nil
_ = SvrfSDK.getTrending(options: options, onSuccess: { (mediaArray, nextPageNum) in
// Do what you want with the [SvrfMedia]?


Fetching the next page of results can be done by setting the pageNum option for search requests or nextPageCursor option for trending requests.

var nextPageNum: Int?
func search(query: String, loadNextPage: bool) {
let options = SvrfOptions(
type: [._3d],
stereoscopicType: nil,
category: .faceFilters,
size: nil,
minimumWidth: nil,
isFaceFilter: nil,
hasBlendShapes: nil,
requiresBlendShapes: nil,
pageNum: loadNextPage ? nextPageNum : nil
_ = query, options: options, onSuccess: { (mediaArray, nextPageNum) in
self.nextPageNum = nextPageNum
// Do what you want with the [SvrfMedia]?

Get Media

To get a specific piece of media from Svrf by ID, use the getMedia() method.

In this example, we're fetching Media with ID 745436.

_ = SvrfSDK.getMedia(id: "745436", onSuccess: { media in
// Do what you want with the Media
}) { error in
// Optional error handling
print("\(error.svrfDescription). \(String(describing: error.localizedDescription))")

ARKit and SceneKit Integration

The Svrf iOS SDK makes it simple to plug and play with Apple's ARKit and SceneKit. ARKit is the library used for retrieving real world 3D tracking data, while SceneKit is a library used for rendering 3D scenes.

Get a SCNNode for SceneKit

To add a 3D model from a Svrf API response to a SceneKit scene, you will need to use the generateNode() function. This function fetches the 3D model's file from Svrf's servers and converts it into a usable format for SceneKit, called a SCNNode.

If you're using face filters, you must use the generateFaceFilter()

_ = SvrfSDK.generateNode(for: media, onSuccess: { node in
// Attach node to the scene
}, onFailure: { error in
print("\(error.svrfDescription). \(String(describing: error.localizedDescription))")

Now you can request media from the Svrf API and add a 3D model to your scene.

import Foundation
import ARKit
import SceneKit
import SvrfSDK
class RemoteModel: SCNNode {
private var node: SCNNode?
func loadFaceFilter() -> Void {
_ = SvrfSDK.getMedia(identifier: "745436", onSuccess: { media in
_ = SvrfSDK.generateNode(for: media, onSuccess: { node in
self.node = node
}, onFailure: { error in
print("\(error.svrfDescription). \(String(describing: error.localizedDescription))")
}) { error in
print("\(error.svrfDescription). \(String(describing: error.localizedDescription))")
// Add the node as a child node
if let model = self.node {

Add a Face Filter to SceneKit

To generate a face filter that can be used in SceneKit, you need to use the generateFaceFilter() function. Using this function makes it easy to add a face filter to your scene.

This function, like generateNode(), fetches a 3D file from Svrf and converts it to a format that is renderable in SceneKit. It also manages the intricacies of face filters, such as setting up occlusion materials. Don't know what an occlusion material is? Don't worry about it, because it is taken care of it.

If you'd like to use a custom occluder, you can remove the occluder provided by the 3D model by setting useOccluder to false.

On success, generateFaceFilter() returns a class SvrfFaceFilter. This class provides you with a property node that contains the SCNNode with the 3D face filter. It also contains a property sceneOverlay that can be used to render the overlays that are included in face filters.

_ = SvrfSDK.generateFaceFilter(for: media,
useOccluder: true,
onSuccess: { faceFilter in
// Add the face filter as a child node
if let faceFilterNode = faceFilter?.node {
// Add the face filter's overlay
sceneView.overlaySKScene = faceFilter?.sceneOverlay
sceneView.overlaySKScene?.size = sceneView.bounds.size
}, onFailure: { error in
print("\(error.svrfDescription). \(String(describing: error.localizedDescription))")

You can now fetch a face filter from the Svrf API and add it to your scene so users can try it!

import Foundation
import ARKit
import SceneKit
import SvrfSDK
class RemoteFaceFilter: SCNNode {
private var faceFilter: SCNNode?
func loadFaceFilter() -> Void {
_ = SvrfSDK.getMedia(identifier: "745436", onSuccess: { media in
_ = SvrfSDK.generateFaceFilterNode(for: media,
useOccluder: true,
onSuccess: { faceFilter in
// Add the face filter as a child node
if let faceFilterNode = faceFilter?.node {
// Add the face filter's overlay
sceneView.overlaySKScene = faceFilter?.sceneOverlay
sceneView.overlaySKScene?.size = sceneView.bounds.size
}, onFailure: { error in
print("\(error.title). \(String(describing: error.description))")
}) { error in
print("\(error.title). \(String(describing: error.description))")
// Add the Face Filter as a child node
if let head = self.faceFilter {

Mapping Blend Shapes

ARKit 2 and newer provides the ability to track a user's facial expressions, called blend shapes. These blend shapes can be mapped to a 3D model, giving users a more immersive experience.

Svrf blend shape face filters

To map make it easy to map blend shapes to a 3D face filter, SvrfFaceFilter includes a function setBlendShapes().

Blend Shapes, AKA...

Blend shape animations are also known as: morph target animations, per-vertex animations, shape interpolation, or shape keys.

In the VirtualFaceContent, pass the ARFaceAnchor.blendShapes from ARKit's face tracking to the SvrfFaceFilter.setBlendShapes() function in the update() function. This will update the blend shapes with each new paint of the scene. That's it, the SDK will take care of the rest and render the blend shapes properly.

class FaceFilter: SCNNode, VirtualFaceContent {
// VirtualFaceContent protocol's function
func update(withFaceAnchor faceAnchor: ARFaceAnchor) {
faceFilter?.setBlendShapes(blendShapes: faceAnchor.blendShapes)